Friday 20 December 2013

Disaster robots compete in Darpa's Florida challenges

A look at MIT's entry into a major robotics competition.

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The alarms wail. The nuclear reactor is breached and belching out toxic waste. A mere human would have no chance of survival. But the mechanised rescue team that clanks into action soon has the situation under control.
This isn't fantasy - if the Pentagon has its way robot squads will soon handle such man-made disasters.
To spur on the technology the US defence headquarters' research unit has selected 17 teams and their machines - from more than 100 who applied - to compete in the Darpa Robotic Challenge (DRC) trials near Miami, Florida this Friday and Saturday.
The finals will follow in a year's time to decide who wins the $2m (£1.2m) prize and gear-driven glory.
"This is a product that saves humanity," exclaims Prof Dennis Hong, director of Virginia Tech's Robotics & Mechanisms Laboratory, which is entering Thor - a humanoid adult-sized robot.
"These big competitions help make science-fiction ideas become reality.
"A Fukushima plant-like disaster is going to happen again, and we're just going to be sitting ducks if we don't do this."

ValkyrieA team from Nasa's Johnson Space Center has entered a robot named Valkyrie into the contest. It stands 6ft 2in (1.9m) tall
Robots were sent into the Japanese nuclear plant after its 2011 meltdown, but only transmitted back video and other data rather than carrying out repairs.
By contrast the DRC trials will be more demanding. They consist of eight tasks:
  • Drive a utility vehicle along a pylon-lined course
  • Cross a terrain that features ramps, steps and unfastened blocks
  • Climb an 8ft-high (2.4m) ladder
  • Remove debris blocking a doorway
  • Pull open a lever-handled door
  • Cut a triangular shape in a wall using a cordless drill
  • Close three air valves, each controlled by a different-sized wheel or lever
  • Unreel a hose and then screw its nozzle into a wall connector
Darpa ladder robot test graphicThe teams will be given the choice of whether they want handrails or not for the ladder task
Organisers recognise there may be more than few bumps and scrapes along the way.
"Right now, where we are is that robots are roughly at the same level of mobility and dexterity as a one-year-old child," explains Gill Pratt, DRC's manager.
"If you... know one-year-old children and watch them as they try to walk, or try to grasp things, what you'll see is that they fall down all the time.
"So, what you're going to see is robots moving quite slowly.
"You're also going to see that the robots are not at that level of task autonomy that we want them to be, but instead the human being operators are going to be helping out a great deal."
Atlas experienced several falls during tests by MIT
Engineers from South Korea, Hong Kong, mainland China, Germany and Japan are all taking part in addition to US teams. Most are entering their own machines, but others programming copies of a two-legged robot called Atlas provided by Boston Dynamics - a military contractor recently bought by Google.
Seth Teller and his team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) opted for Atlas. He describes the event as a "game-changer".
"People were already working on these problems," the professor says.
"But one of the real contributions Darpa has made is to say: 'Here are the specific tasks that your system has to perform.'
"And it has said you have to do these things under real conditions - that means outdoors, doing it without perfect knowledge of what the tasks will be ahead of time, and doing it over a highly-degraded network link.
"Instead of having a fast dedicated low latency link between the operators and the robot, Darpa is forcing everyone to communicate with a link that's slow and eventually - in 2014 - will have drop-outs.
"There will be periods of no communication between the humans and the robot. It will really have to act on its own to get something done."
Schaft was designed by Japanese engineers and is now owned by Google
Previous Darpa "grand challenges" called on researchers to build and test self-driving cars in desert and urban environments, helping accelerate the development of autonomous vehicles.
Last time round, in 2007, Virginia Tech came third.
This time Prof Hong's team has taken the high-risk strategy of using brand-new "artificial muscles" to try to win.
"In the past 30 years we roboticists have tried to get rid of springiness from a robot's joints to get precise motion," he explains.
"But now biologists are starting to understand the importance of springiness in the human muscle. So our robot Thor, in the lower body, has new types of springy actuators - not only to control its position but also its force."
He says the innovation should help the machine cope with uneven surfaces. Unfortunately the tech is so cutting-edge that it's not quite ready, meaning his team will have to field a substitute robot this weekend.
Whatever Saturday's result, the team can still field Thor in next year's final - but a low score would mean it would miss out on receiving further funds from the Pentagon.
ThorVirginia Tech's Thor is not ready, so a substitute - seen on the left - will take part this weekend
Not everyone is comfortable about the US military developing close relationships with the teams.
"Why would Darpa suddenly want to spend millions of dollars on rescue robots at a time when defence budgets are so tight?" asks Prof Noel Sharkey, co-founder of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.
"It seems more likely that this is part of a long-term agenda to develop ever more sophisticated robot weapons.
"Those involved in competing should do so in the clear knowledge that they are helping the US develop the next generation of automated weapons systems."
Darpa robot rescue graphicDarpa says it wants robots to be able to handle normal tools and equipment
Prof Hong acknowledges the contest could hasten development of Terminator-style killer robots, but stresses that its stated goal is to save - not destroy - lives.
Even so, he recognises it will be some time before robots ride to the rescue.
"In a real nuclear power plant the radiation would kill all of the electronics," he notes.
"Radiation shielding is a big problem and will need years of research and development.
"But what I'm excited about is first the opportunity for us to draw up new breakthrough technologies, and second for the general public to really see what these robots are good for."

Thursday 19 December 2013

Wednesday 18 December 2013

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Monday 16 December 2013

social media a history

Most people think  that social media started with the Facebook and Twitter.  Web 2.0 technologies which have given rise to such popular  platforms have definitely played a major role in the popularization of social media among ordinary people , however , the real emergence of social media dates back to the 60s of the last century. The start was with the appearance of CompuServe in 1969 and then followed by the emergence of the email service in 1971... to Pinterest in 2010.

The visual below created by Karim Benyagoub captures some of the major historical developments of social media throughout the years till the present moment .

Hover your mouse over the visual to enlarge it.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Our Drone Future

Chris Taylor via mashable

The three-minute video above is called Our Drone Future, by designer and musician Alex Cornell. It was filmed on a GoPro attached to a DJI Phantom Drone and flown around San Francisco landmarks; Cornell says he shot it with "a liberal interpretation of FAA regulations."
The genius is in what Cornell layers on top of that footage: a conversation between an intelligent drone known only as 212 and her unseen Homeland Security operator, Ethan. The conversation is as mundane as air traffic control, but hints of menace start to poke through.

"Our Drone Future explores the technology, capability, and purpose of drones, as their presence becomes an increasingly pervasive reality in the skies of tomorrow," writes Cornell. He doesn't explicitly identify the drones as belonging to Homeland Security — but the HSA logo is right there on the drone control screen.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Boyd Varty: What I learned from Nelson Mandela

"In the cathedral of the wild, we get to see the best parts of ourselves reflected back to us." Boyd Varty, a wildlife activist, shares stories of animals, humans and their interrelatedness, or "ubuntu" -- defined as, "I am, because of you." And he dedicates the talk to South African leader Nelson Mandela, the human embodiment of that same great-hearted, generous spirit.

How to focus in the age of distraction

So many of us are connected and/or using our connected devices regularly. Some might say we / you are addicted to them and suffer withdrawal symptoms when we forget them or leave home home without them.
So then, how do we stay focused in this “age of distraction”? Jane Genovese writes on the Learning Fundamentals website on ‘how to focus in the age of distraction‘ and produced this excellent mind-map of Leo Babauta’s eBook Focus: A simplicity manifesto in the age of distraction”.
Genovese highlights her analysis of the book and the changes she’s making to sharpen her focus, including: 
  • Create habits and/or rituals to focus your mind.
  • Manage email (expectations) and switch it off if necessary.
  • Make time to reflect & review.
  • Admit you’re online too much, and take steps to remedy.
  • Digital detox: take time away and switch off.
  • Work ethics (simplify working practices based on distractions, movement, time, etc.)

Friday 6 December 2013

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Massimo Banzi helped invent the Arduino, a tiny, easy-to-use open-source microcontroller that's inspired thousands of people around the world to make the coolest things they can imagine -- from toys to satellite gear. Because, as he says, "You don't need anyone's permission to make something great."

Tuesday 3 December 2013

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Sunday 1 December 2013

Hour of code


  2.  To show that anyone can learn the basics of coding and become a maker, a creator, an innovator. It’s a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code".

  1. Starter

  2. what computer science means. Watch the clip

  1. “Computer science is the art of blending human ideas and digital tools to increase our power. Computer scientists work in so many different areas: writing apps for phones, curing diseases, creating animated movies, working on social media, building robots that explore other planets and so much more. Think about things in your everyday life that use computer science: a cell phone, a microwave, a computer, a traffic light… all of these things needed a computer scientist to help build them."

  2. MAIN - 50 minutes

  3. visit website is
  4. If you are apprehensive about coding then you should try the first tutorial on the page

  5. If you are happy to "dive in" use the arrow to scroll to the fourth tutorial and have a go at the light bot tutorial
  6. Computer studies students use the app inventor tutorial go to the Make your own apps heading and use the arrow to scroll to the second tutorial  MIT app inventor. this will be done on laptops and the app tested on an android device in the room.

  7. PLENARY - 5 minutes

    Blog/Tweet about what you have learnt/achieved this session – spread the word!