Wednesday 24 June 2015

stop frame karate

Two dudes with clearly too much time on their hands take karate to the next level by delivering a flurry of 2D punches, kicks and flips. For a couple of yellow and white belts, they could give Jet Li a run for his money.

Monday 15 June 2015

Mechanical penguins reflect your image (BBC News)

An exhibition based around 450 mechanical penguins has gone on display at the bitforms gallery in New York.
The penguins mirror your movement as they reflect your image.
Entitled Descent With Modification, it is partly based on Charles Darwin's book Origin of the Species and genetic algorithms.

Friday 12 June 2015

YASKAWA BUSHIDO PROJECT / industrial robot vs sword master

First the robots came for our jobs. Then they came for our chess tournaments. Now, they’re coming for our martial arts too. Meet MOTOMAN-MH24, a robot who, depending on where you stand on the spectrum of robotics, is either a piece of metallic awesomeness, or an absolute nightmare.More of a robotic arm than a full robot, Motoman was given a samurai sword and the opportunity to analyze and “learn” the three-dimensional sword techniques of master swordsman Isao Machii, a modern day samurai and the holder of 5 Guinness World Records pertaining to cutting things.