Thursday 9 October 2014

Could a big data-crunching machine be your boss one day? (BBC news)

Could Amelia, the "learning cognitive agent", be your boss one day?
I'm on a date with Amelia. She's neatly dressed, emotionally intelligent and whip-smart.
But she's a little too virtual for my tastes.
Amelia is a "learning cognitive agent", according to her creators IPSoft - like one of those virtual customer service helpers that pop up on corporate websites.
Only not so dumb and a lot less irritating.
But one day, she could end up being your boss, her makers believe.
Machine learning
Amelia can swallow textbooks whole, speak 20 languages, understand concepts and learn from her mistakes. And she can be replicated any number of times.
On my screen I see her absorb a complex engineering manual in 14 seconds then immediately answer questions such as "What are the symptoms of a bent drive shaft?" and "What causes high power demand?"
This may be a far cry from Scarlett Johansson's uber-intelligent operating system Samantha in Spike Jonze's sci-fi film, Her, but it's the future, says Chetan Dube, IPSoft's chief executive.
Android hands on a keyboardAre there any limits to what robots could do in the workplace?
Read the article here